Hemp Plastics: Pioneering a Greener Tomorrow

In a world increasingly aware of environmental concerns, industries are seeking sustainable alternatives to traditional materials. One such revolutionary option gaining momentum is hemp plastic. Derived from the versatile hemp plant, this eco-friendly material presents a promising solution to the environmental challenges posed by conventional plastics.


Hemp, a member of the cannabis family, has been utilized for centuries for various purposes, from textiles to paper. In recent times, the plant's potential to revolutionize the plastics industry has come to the forefront. Hemp plastic is derived from the fibers of the hemp plant, making it a renewable and biodegradable alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastics.

Transforming Hemp into Bioplastic:

The process of turning hemp into bioplastic involves extracting cellulose fibers from the hemp plant. These fibers are then processed and combined with other natural materials to create a polymer that can be molded into various shapes. The result is a biodegradable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional plastics.

Benefits of Hemp Plastics:

  1. Sustainability: Hemp is a fast-growing crop that requires minimal pesticides and fertilizers. Its rapid growth makes it a highly sustainable source for plastic production, reducing the environmental impact associated with traditional plastics.

  2. Biodegradability: Unlike traditional plastics that persist in the environment for centuries, hemp plastics break down naturally, contributing to a reduction in plastic pollution. This characteristic makes hemp plastics an attractive option for environmentally conscious consumers.

  3. Carbon Footprint Reduction: Hemp cultivation absorbs significant amounts of carbon dioxide, acting as a carbon sink. Utilizing hemp plastics can contribute to a decrease in overall carbon emissions, further mitigating climate change.

  4. Versatility: Hemp plastic can be molded into various forms, making it a versatile material suitable for a wide range of applications, from packaging to automotive components.

Durability and Performance:

  1. Strength and Flexibility: Hemp bioplastics exhibit impressive strength and flexibility, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. The inherent properties of hemp fibers contribute to the overall durability of the bioplastic, offering comparable strength to traditional plastics.

  2. Biodegradability: One of the key advantages of hemp bioplastics is their ability to biodegrade. Traditional plastics can take centuries to break down, contributing to pollution and environmental harm. In contrast, hemp bioplastics decompose naturally, reducing the long-term environmental impact.

  3. Temperature Resistance: Hemp bioplastics have shown favorable temperature resistance, comparable to certain traditional plastics. This characteristic makes them suitable for applications ranging from packaging to durable goods, meeting the demands of various industries.

  4. Environmental Impact:

    • Reduced Carbon Footprint: The cultivation of hemp plants for bioplastic production acts as a carbon sink, absorbing more carbon dioxide than traditional crops. This results in a lower overall carbon footprint, contributing to climate change mitigation.

    • Renewable Resource: Hemp is a fast-growing plant that requires minimal resources compared to petroleum-based feedstocks. As a renewable resource, hemp reduces dependency on non-renewable fossil fuels.

Challenges and Considerations:

  1. Cost: While the cost of hemp plastics has been decreasing, it still remains higher than that of traditional plastics. However, as technology advances and demand increases, economies of scale may bring down production costs.

  2. Limited Infrastructure: The infrastructure for large-scale hemp plastic production is still in its infancy. Overcoming this hurdle requires investments in research, development, and manufacturing facilities.

  3. Pioneering the Solution: While hemp plastic currently faces cost challenges, it's important to view this in the context of a growing and evolving industry. With increased demand, technological advancements, and improvements in infrastructure, the cost of hemp plastic is expected to become more competitive with traditional plastics.

As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, finding sustainable alternatives to mitigate environmental impact is imperative. Hemp plastics, especially in their bioplastic form, have become a beacon of hope, offering a renewable, biodegradable, and versatile solution to the plastic crisis. While challenges persist, the potential benefits of hemp plastics far outweigh the obstacles, paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future.

In embracing hemp plastics, we not only reduce our dependency on fossil fuels but also contribute to the restoration of our planet. The time to transition to eco-friendly alternatives is now, and hemp plastics are leading the way towards a cleaner, greener tomorrow. As advancements in technology and infrastructure continue, hemp bioplastics are poised to play a crucial role in reshaping the future of plastic production and consumption.

Cultivating Sustainable Futures: The Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance's 20th Annual National Conference

The Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CHTA), a pivotal force in promoting the Canadian hemp industry globally, is gearing up to host its 20th Annual National Conference. Taking place in Nisku, Alberta, this milestone event will bring together a diverse array of stakeholders, including producers, processors, retailers, academics, consumers, and government representatives. With the theme "Cultivating Sustainable Futures," the conference aims to shed light on the advancements and challenges faced by the Canadian hemp industry.

About CHTA:

Established in 2003, the CHTA is a national industry association representing various segments of Canada's hemp industry, including farmers, processors, manufacturers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and marketers. The Alliance's primary functions involve disseminating information, promoting hemp products, developing standards, and coordinating research. With a vision to create a 1 billion dollar industry, CHTA's mission is to champion a diverse and robust Canadian hemp industry for the benefit of all stakeholders along the value chain.

Conference Highlights:

  1. Pre-Conference Tour (Tuesday, November 14, 2023):

    • 7:30 am: Bus departs from Holiday Inn and Suites, Nisku.

    • Edmonton International Airport: Discussion on potential industry partnerships in the area.

    • Bio Processing Innovation Centre (BPIC): Tour of a 10,000 ft2 pilot facility supporting bioeconomy development.

    • Bio Industrial Facilities: Tour of facilities focusing on industrial scale-up production and biomaterial processing.

    • Natural Fibre Tech (NFT): Presentation of sustainable bio-composites and decorticator technologies.

    • Old Station Honey and Mead: Tour and tasting, focusing on innovative agriculture and sustainability.

    • 3:00 pm: Return to Holiday Inn. Boxed lunch provided.

  2. CHTA Annual General Meeting (Tuesday, November 14, 2023):

    • Requires separate registration.

    • Updates on Government Relations, Research, Standards, and Sustainability activities.

    • Financial statements, auditor appointment, and election of Directors.

  3. 20th Birthday Bash (Tuesday, November 14, 2023):

    • Celebrating two decades of CHTA's contributions to the hemp industry.

    • A night of fun and recognition of key leaders.

  4. Plenary and State of the Industry (Wednesday, November 15, 2023):

    • Presentations by CHTA Board Chair, President, political leaders, and senior policy officials.

    • Establishing a common understanding of the industry's current state and future paths.

  5. Workshops (Wednesday and Thursday, November 15-16, 2023):

    • Hemp Strategy Workshop: Exploring opportunities and challenges facing the Canadian hemp industry.

    • Hemp Resilience Workshop: Building resilience in the face of changing environments and consumer demands.

    • Hemp Sustainability Workshop: Addressing carbon sequestration, climate change, and global market positioning.

  6. Registration:

    • $500 for CHTA members, $750 for non-members.

    • Additional $75 for the pre-conference tour.

    • Virtual participation option available.

As the Canadian hemp industry marks 25 years of positive impact on social, economic, and environmental sustainability, the 20th Annual National Conference by CHTA promises to be a platform for learning, networking, and envisioning a future where hemp plays a pivotal role in sustainable agriculture and industry. Join the celebration and contribute to shaping the future of the Canadian hemp industry!


Hemp: Can it Really Create a Negative Carbon Footprint?

Hemp: Can it Really Create a Negative Carbon Footprint?

Explore the remarkable potential of hemp in achieving a negative carbon footprint. Discover how hemp's emission reduction, carbon sequestration, and sustainable applications contribute to combating climate change. Join the hemp revolution and embrace a greener, carbon-conscious future.

Hemp as a Supercapacitor: Changing Energy Storage Forever

Batteries and energy storage are essential to high tech industry and products. In this rapidly evolving world, a surprising power storage contender has emerged—hemp, the versatile plant with extraordinary capabilities. Beyond its conventional applications, hemp is paving the way for revolutionary advancements in energy storage through the development of hemp-based supercapacitors. Join us as we explore the incredible potential of hemp in the realm of energy storage, unleashing a new era of efficient and sustainable power technology.

Harnessing Nature's Fibrous Marvel

Hemp's fibrous composition makes it an ideal candidate for supercapacitor technology. The long, interconnected fibers within hemp provide a large surface area, crucial for efficient energy storage and discharge. These fibers, when transformed into carbon nanosheets, exhibit exceptional electrical conductivity, making them an excellent choice for supercapacitor electrodes. Hemp's natural structure, combined with advanced materials science, unlocks a world of possibilities in energy storage.

Empowering Energy Efficiency

Hemp-based supercapacitors offer a transformative solution for energy efficiency. Unlike traditional batteries, which store energy chemically, supercapacitors store it electrostatically, enabling rapid charging and discharging cycles. Hemp's unique carbon nanosheets exhibit high capacitance, enabling the storage of large amounts of energy within a small volume. This characteristic facilitates quick energy release when needed, making hemp supercapacitors a promising technology for applications requiring high-power bursts.

Sustainable and Eco-friendly

Hemp-based supercapacitors embody sustainability at their core. Hemp is a rapidly renewable crop that requires fewer resources and pesticides compared to conventional crops. Additionally, hemp plants absorb carbon dioxide during their growth, helping mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. By utilizing hemp in supercapacitor technology, we foster a sustainable energy future that reduces dependence on environmentally harmful materials and promotes a greener world.

Enhanced Performance and Longevity

Supercapacitors made with hemp exhibit enhanced performance and longevity. Hemp's carbon nanosheets provide excellent electrical conductivity, low resistance, and improved charge-discharge efficiency. These properties result in superior power density and cycle stability, enabling hemp-based supercapacitors to endure repeated charging and discharging cycles without significant performance degradation. With hemp, energy storage systems can achieve prolonged operational lifetimes and reliable performance.

Diverse Applications

Hemp-based supercapacitors have the potential to revolutionize energy storage across various applications. From portable electronics to electric vehicles, hemp supercapacitors offer high-power delivery, quick charging capabilities, and prolonged lifespan. Additionally, they can be integrated into renewable energy systems, effectively storing excess energy generated by sources like solar and wind. Hemp supercapacitors empower diverse industries with efficient, sustainable, and reliable energy storage solutions.

Hemp's remarkable attributes and its transformation into supercapacitors mark a significant milestone in energy storage technology. Through its fibrous structure and carbon nanosheets, hemp enables high-performance, sustainable, and efficient energy storage. As we embrace the potential of hemp-based supercapacitors, we unlock a future of enhanced energy efficiency, reduced environmental impact, and exciting possibilities for applications spanning electronics, transportation, and renewable energy. Let us harness the power of hemp and embark on a path towards a greener, more sustainable energy landscape.

Hemp Fuel: Igniting the Green Revolution in Energy

In the quest for sustainable energy sources, a green luminary emerges: hemp fuel. Derived from the versatile hemp plant, this remarkable biofuel is capturing the attention of environmentalists and energy enthusiasts worldwide. With its numerous benefits, hemp fuel is paving the way for a cleaner and greener future. Join us as we delve into the world of hemp and uncover its incredible potential as a renewable fuel source. Get ready to ignite the green revolution with hemp!


Hemp fuel proves its versatility by offering various energy applications. Hemp seeds can be cold-pressed to extract hemp oil, which can be used as a biofuel in diesel engines. Hemp stalks and fibers can be processed into biomass fuels, such as pellets or briquettes, for heating and electricity generation. With hemp's diverse energy applications, it holds the potential to power our vehicles, homes, and industries in a sustainable and eco-friendly manner.

Renewable Energy Champion

Hemp fuel stands tall as a renewable energy champion. Unlike fossil fuels, which deplete finite resources, hemp is a fast-growing and highly renewable crop. It can be cultivated with minimal environmental impact, requiring fewer pesticides, fertilizers, and water compared to traditional energy crops. By harnessing hemp as a fuel source, we reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and move towards a more sustainable energy future.

Carbon Neutral Wonder

One of the most significant advantages of hemp fuel is its carbon neutrality. When hemp is grown, it absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, acting as a carbon sink. As hemp is processed into fuel, it releases carbon dioxide, but the overall emissions remain balanced. This means that hemp fuel has a minimal net impact on greenhouse gas emissions, helping to combat climate change and reduce our carbon footprint.

Cleaner Emissions

Compared to traditional fossil fuels, hemp fuel boasts cleaner emissions. When hemp oil is used as a biofuel, it produces significantly fewer harmful emissions, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. These pollutants are major contributors to air pollution and respiratory health problems. By switching to hemp fuel, we can improve air quality and promote a healthier environment for both humans and ecosystems.

Soil Regeneration and Biodiversity Boost

Hemp cultivation offers additional environmental benefits beyond fuel production. Hemp's extensive root system helps prevent soil erosion and improves soil structure. As it grows, hemp naturally suppresses weeds, reducing the need for herbicides. Furthermore, hemp fields provide habitat and forage for beneficial insects and wildlife, contributing to biodiversity conservation. By incorporating hemp fuel into our energy mix, we support regenerative agriculture practices and protect ecological diversity.

Energy Independence and Economic Opportunities

Hemp fuel provides an avenue for energy independence and economic growth. By reducing reliance on imported fossil fuels, countries can enhance their energy security and reduce geopolitical vulnerabilities. Moreover, the cultivation and processing of hemp for fuel create new economic opportunities, supporting local farmers and promoting the development of green industries. Embracing hemp fuel not only benefits the environment but also boosts job creation and economic resilience.

As the world seeks sustainable energy alternatives, hemp fuel emerges as a shining beacon of hope. Its renewable nature, carbon neutrality, versatile applications, cleaner emissions, soil regeneration capabilities, and potential for energy independence make it an invaluable asset in the journey towards a greener and cleaner future. Let us embrace the power of hemp fuel and ignite the green revolution in energy. Together, we can propel the world towards a more sustainable and harmonious energy landscape, powered by the incredible potential of hemp.

Building with Hemp: A Sustainable Adventure in Construction

Welcome to the wonderful world of hemp construction, where sustainability and innovation intertwine to create remarkable buildings. Join us on an entertaining and informative journey as we explore the benefits of using hemp as a building material. Get ready to discover the wonders of hempcrete, the eco-friendly superhero of construction!

The Green Guardian

Hempcrete, a blend of hemp fibers and lime, is our hero in the realm of sustainable building materials. With its superpowers, hempcrete offers a myriad of benefits for both the environment and building occupants. First and foremost, hempcrete boasts a negative carbon footprint, actively sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and helping combat climate change. It's like having a building that breathes in carbon dioxide and exhales clean air!

Energy Efficiency Extraordinaire

Hempcrete excels in thermal performance, providing excellent insulation properties. Its porous structure creates a natural thermal barrier, keeping buildings cool in summer and warm in winter. By reducing the need for excessive heating and cooling, hempcrete contributes to energy efficiency and lowers utility bills, saving both the environment and your wallet.

Mold, Pest, And Fire Resistance

Our hemp-based superhero has a secret weapon against mold and pests. Hempcrete is naturally resistant to mold and mildew, making it an ideal choice for creating healthier indoor environments. Hemp fibers are also naturally fire-resistant, making hemp-based construction materials safer in terms of fire hazards. Additionally, hemp is less attractive to pests, such as insects and rodents, reducing the need for chemical treatments or pest control. Say goodbye to toxic chemical treatments and hello to naturally occurring defenses provided by hempcrete!

Breathability and Humidity Regulation

Hempcrete has another superpower: breathability. It allows moisture to pass through its porous structure, preventing condensation and the buildup of harmful mold. This natural breathability regulates humidity levels, reducing the risk of respiratory problems and creating a more comfortable living or working environment.

Acoustic Avenger

In the battle against noise pollution, hempcrete emerges as a mighty ally. Its dense composition and unique acoustic properties absorb and dampen sound vibrations, effectively reducing noise transmission. Say goodbye to annoying outside noise and hello to peaceful and serene interiors.

Sustainable Superhero

Hemp as a building material embodies sustainability at its core. Hemp plants grow rapidly, reaching maturity in just a few months, requiring minimal water and no pesticides or herbicides. They have deep roots that help prevent soil erosion and improve soil health. By choosing hemp as a building material, you contribute to a greener future by reducing resource consumption and minimizing environmental impact.

Design Flexibility

Hempcrete offers architects and builders a world of design possibilities. It can be used for both load-bearing and infill applications, allowing for creative and versatile designs. From residential homes to commercial buildings, hempcrete adapts to various architectural styles, giving builders the freedom to explore innovative and sustainable designs.

Building with hemp opens a door to a sustainable adventure in construction. Hempcrete, the eco-friendly superhero of building materials, boasts a negative carbon footprint, energy efficiency, mold resistance, breathability, acoustic performance, and design flexibility. Its use not only contributes to a greener and healthier planet but also provides occupants with comfortable and sustainable living or working spaces. Embrace the power of hemp in construction and join the ranks of eco-conscious builders creating a brighter future, one hempcrete block at a time!

Hemp: Nature's Best-Kept Beauty Secret

Unlock the hidden treasures of nature with hemp, the remarkable plant that is revolutionizing the world of beauty and skincare. From ancient times to the modern era, hemp has been celebrated for its diverse range of benefits, making it a true beauty elixir. Discover how hemp can transform your skincare routine, rejuvenate your hair, and elevate your beauty regimen to new heights. Get ready to experience the wonders of hemp!

Nourishing and Moisturizing Powerhouse

Hemp possesses exceptional nourishing and moisturizing properties that make it a coveted ingredient in beauty products. Its abundance of essential fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6, helps to replenish and restore the skin's natural moisture barrier. By incorporating hemp-based skincare products into your routine, you can enjoy hydrated, supple, and radiant skin.

Anti-inflammatory and Soothing Benefits

Hemp is a natural anti-inflammatory agent, making it a soothing ally for various skin conditions. Whether you struggle with acne, eczema, or sensitive skin, hemp-based products can provide relief and promote calmness. The presence of cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD), adds an extra layer of anti-inflammatory power, helping to reduce redness and irritation. Embrace the gentle touch of hemp and soothe your skin to perfection.

Regenerative and Anti-Aging Properties

The regenerative capabilities of hemp are nothing short of miraculous. Hemp-based beauty products can help stimulate collagen production, supporting skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, hemp's antioxidant-rich nature combats free radicals, protecting your skin from premature aging. Experience the age-defying prowess of hemp and restore your youthful glow.

Balancing and Clearing Complexion

Struggling with oily or acne-prone skin? Look no further than hemp to restore balance and clarity to your complexion. Hemp's natural composition helps regulate sebum production, preventing excessive oiliness and clogged pores. Its antibacterial properties can aid in reducing acne-causing bacteria, leading to a clearer and healthier complexion. Embrace hemp as your skin's trusted companion in the quest for a balanced and blemish-free face.

Hair Nourishment and Vitality

Hemp is not only beneficial for your skin but also a savior for your hair. The rich presence of essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals in hemp oil nourishes and strengthens the hair strands from root to tip. It helps improve hair texture, adds luster, and promotes healthy growth. Say goodbye to dull and lifeless hair and welcome the revitalizing touch of hemp for a crowning glory like never before.

Environmentally Conscious Choice

In addition to its beauty benefits, using hemp-based beauty products is an environmentally conscious choice. Hemp cultivation requires minimal pesticides and fertilizers, reducing the negative impact on the ecosystem. Furthermore, hemp is a fast-growing plant that absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, contributing to the fight against climate change. By incorporating hemp into your beauty routine, you actively participate in promoting sustainability.

Hemp is nature's secret beauty elixir, offering a multitude of benefits for your skin and hair. Its nourishing and moisturizing properties, anti-inflammatory and soothing benefits, regenerative and anti-aging properties, balancing effects on the complexion, and hair nourishment and vitality make it a true beauty elixir. Embrace hemp-based beauty products and experience the transformative power of this remarkable plant. Discover the wonders of hemp and unlock a world of natural beauty, where radiance and sustainability harmoniously coexist.

Six Ways Hemp is Helping Create a Non-Toxic World

In our quest for a healthier and more sustainable world, hemp emerges as a promising ally. With its remarkable properties and versatile applications, hemp has the potential to contribute significantly to creating a non-toxic environment. This article explores how hemp can help us achieve this goal.

Natural Fiber and Textiles

Hemp fibers serve as an excellent alternative to toxic synthetic materials commonly found in textiles. Unlike synthetic fibers that are often produced using petrochemicals and harsh additives, hemp fibers are naturally derived and require fewer chemical treatments during processing. Using hemp in clothing and textiles reduces our exposure to toxic substances and helps create a non-toxic wardrobe.

Eco-Friendly Plastics

Conventional plastics, notorious for their toxic effects on both human health and the environment, can be replaced with hemp-based bioplastics. Hemp-derived bioplastics are biodegradable, renewable, and non-toxic. By adopting these eco-friendly alternatives, we can significantly reduce our reliance on harmful petroleum-based plastics and minimize the pollution caused by plastic waste.

Organic Agriculture

Hemp is well-suited for organic farming practices, as it naturally repels pests, minimizing the need for toxic pesticides and herbicides. By embracing organic hemp cultivation, we can reduce the chemical load in our soils, water systems, and ecosystems, fostering a non-toxic agricultural environment. Additionally, hemp's long taproots help detoxify contaminated soil through a process known as phytoremediation.

Healthy Building Materials

Traditional building materials often contain toxic substances like formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Hemp offers an alternative through the production of hempcrete. Hempcrete, a bio-composite material made from hemp hurds and lime, is non-toxic, breathable, and has excellent insulation properties. Using hempcrete in construction reduces our exposure to harmful chemicals and promotes a healthier indoor environment.

Clean Energy

Hemp biomass can be utilized as a source of clean and renewable energy. Through processes like biomass gasification and anaerobic digestion, hemp biomass can be converted into biogas and biofuels, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Embracing hemp-based bioenergy solutions contributes to a cleaner, non-toxic energy landscape while reducing carbon emissions.

Personal Care and Beauty Products

Hemp-derived ingredients are increasingly used in natural and non-toxic personal care and beauty products. Hemp seed oil, rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, nourishes the skin and hair without the need for harmful synthetic chemicals. Choosing hemp-based personal care products enables us to avoid toxic ingredients commonly found in mainstream cosmetics.

Hemp's potential to create a non-toxic world is undeniable. By embracing hemp fibers, bioplastics, organic farming practices, hempcrete, clean energy solutions, and hemp-based personal care products, we can reduce our exposure to harmful toxins and foster a healthier, more sustainable environment. As we harness the power of hemp, we take a significant step towards achieving a non-toxic world for present and future generations.

The Nutritional Superfood Taking the World by Storm

Move over, ordinary superfoods—there's a new hero in town, and its name is hemp! Packed with an array of beneficial nutrients and versatile culinary uses, hemp is revolutionizing the way we think about food. Join us on an exciting journey as we explore the reasons why hemp has earned its spot as the next nutritional superfood.

Protein Powerhouse

Hemp seeds are a complete protein source, containing all nine essential amino acids that our bodies need but cannot produce on their own. This makes hemp an excellent choice for vegans, vegetarians, and anyone looking to boost their protein intake. So, if you're seeking to build muscles or simply maintain a balanced diet, hemp has your back!

Healthy Fats, Happy Hearts

Hemp seeds are rich in healthy fats, particularly omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These essential fats play a vital role in supporting heart health, reducing inflammation, and promoting proper brain function. By incorporating hemp into your diet, you can nourish your body with these essential fats and help keep your heart and mind in top shape.

Fiber Champion

When it comes to fiber, hemp is a true champion. Hemp seeds and their derived products are an excellent source of dietary fiber, aiding digestion, promoting regular bowel movements, and supporting overall gut health. By incorporating hemp into your meals, you can keep your digestive system happy and maintain a healthy weight.

Abundant Nutrients

Hemp seeds are a treasure trove of essential nutrients. They are rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc, which are all crucial for maintaining optimal health. Whether you're looking to support your immune system, promote bone health, or boost your energy levels, hemp has the nutrients to help you thrive.

Versatile Culinary Marvel

Hemp's culinary versatility is simply unmatched. Hemp seeds can be consumed as they are, sprinkled over salads, blended into smoothies, or added to baked goods for an extra nutrient boost. You can also enjoy hemp oil as a flavorful dressing or use hemp protein powder as a base for nutritious shakes and smoothies. The possibilities are endless, and hemp's mild, nutty flavor adds a delightful touch to any dish.

Sustainable Superfood

Hemp's superhero status extends beyond its nutritional profile. As a crop, hemp is incredibly sustainable, requiring minimal water, no pesticides, and replenishing nutrients back into the soil. It's a planet-friendly choice that reduces the carbon footprint of food production and promotes a more sustainable agricultural system.

Allergen-Friendly Option

For those with dietary restrictions and allergies, hemp is a fantastic choice. It is gluten-free, making it suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Moreover, hemp is non-allergenic, meaning it rarely causes allergic reactions, making it a safe and inclusive option for a wide range of diets.

Hemp is the new nutritional superfood that has taken the food world by storm. With its exceptional protein content, healthy fats, dietary fiber, abundance of nutrients, and culinary versatility, hemp has rightfully earned its place in the spotlight. Not only does hemp provide a multitude of health benefits, but it also offers a sustainable and allergen-friendly option for conscious consumers. So, embrace the power of hemp and let it fuel your body with its nutritional superpowers, paving the way for a healthier, happier you!

Seven Medicinal Uses of Hemp

Hemp has a long history of medicinal use and is gaining recognition for its potential therapeutic benefits. It can be used as medicine primarily through the utilization of its cannabinoid compounds, particularly cannabidiol (CBD). Here are some ways in which hemp is used for medicinal purposes:

Pain Relief

One of the primary medicinal components of hemp is CBD, a non-psychoactive compound known for its potential analgesic properties. CBD interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating pain perception. Research suggests that CBD may help alleviate chronic pain, neuropathic pain, and inflammation, offering a natural alternative to traditional pain medications.

Anti-Anxiety and Stress Reduction

CBD has been studied for its potential anxiolytic properties. It may help reduce anxiety symptoms, including social anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). CBD may also promote relaxation and improve sleep quality in individuals experiencing stress.

Seizure Disorders

CBD has gained significant attention for its potential in managing seizure disorders, particularly in conditions like epilepsy. The FDA has approved a CBD-based medication called Epidiolex for the treatment of certain forms of epilepsy, providing evidence of its effectiveness.

Neuroprotective Effects

Some research suggests that CBD may have neuroprotective properties, potentially benefiting conditions such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), and Alzheimer's disease. While further studies are needed, CBD's interaction with the endocannabinoid system and anti-inflammatory properties show promise in supporting brain health.

Anti-Inflammatory and Autoimmune Conditions

CBD's anti-inflammatory properties have led to investigations on its potential in managing conditions related to inflammation and autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, and multiple sclerosis. Although more research is required, preliminary findings are promising.

Mental Health Disorders

CBD is being explored as a potential adjunct therapy for mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. While it is not a replacement for conventional treatments, studies have suggested that CBD may have a positive impact on mood and overall well-being.

Symptom Management

CBD has been used to alleviate symptoms associated with various conditions, such as nausea, vomiting, insomnia, and loss of appetite. It can provide relief for individuals undergoing chemotherapy, those with HIV/AIDS, and patients with chronic pain.


It's important to note that while CBD derived from hemp shows promise in the medical field, further research is ongoing to fully understand its efficacy, safety, and potential interactions with other medications. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using hemp-based products for medicinal purposes. Additionally, the regulatory landscape surrounding hemp and CBD may vary by country or region, so it is important to adhere to local laws and regulations.

Unveiling the Wonders of Hemp Fabric: The Green Revolution in Fashion

In the ever-evolving world of sustainable fashion, a true champion has emerged — hemp fabric! Derived from the versatile hemp plant, this remarkable textile is capturing the attention of eco-conscious designers and fashion enthusiasts alike. With its numerous benefits, hemp fabric is revolutionizing the industry and paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future. Join us as we delve into the world of hemp and uncover its incredible advantages.

Sustainability at Its Core

Hemp fabric takes the crown when it comes to sustainability. The hemp plant is a marvel of nature, requiring significantly fewer resources compared to traditional textile crops. It grows vigorously without the need for pesticides, herbicides, or excessive water. Moreover, hemp plants absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide, helping combat climate change. By choosing hemp fabric, you contribute to a more environmentally friendly fashion industry.

Incredible Durability

Hemp fabric is renowned for its exceptional durability. It's one of the strongest natural fibers known to mankind. Garments made from hemp can withstand years of wear and tear without losing their shape or texture. This longevity reduces the frequency of replacement, making it an economical choice in the long run. Say goodbye to fast fashion and embrace the sturdiness of hemp!

Breathability and Comfort

In the quest for comfortable clothing, hemp fabric triumphs. Its natural structure allows for excellent breathability, ensuring optimal airflow and moisture-wicking properties. This makes it ideal for warm climates or those seeking all-day comfort. Hemp fabric is highly absorbent, keeping you cool and dry even during the hottest summer days. Experience the joy of wearing breathable clothing without compromising on style.

Hypoallergenic Marvel

For individuals with sensitive skin or allergies, hemp fabric offers a welcome respite. Hypoallergenic by nature, it possesses anti-microbial properties that help prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. Bid farewell to skin irritations and embrace the gentle touch of hemp fabric against your skin. It's a delightful choice for those seeking comfort and peace of mind.

Versatile and Stylish

Hemp fabric's versatility is a fashion designer's dream come true. It blends seamlessly with other fibers, allowing for a myriad of creative possibilities. Whether you desire lightweight summer garments, cozy winter knits, or fashionable accessories, hemp can do it all. Its natural earthy texture adds a unique aesthetic to any design, making it a trendy choice for those who appreciate sustainable fashion.

Environmental EXTRAVAGANCE

Hemp fabric's environmental benefits extend far beyond its cultivation. The textile production process for hemp requires minimal chemical treatment, reducing pollution and waste. Additionally, hemp fabric is biodegradable, meaning it can return to the Earth at the end of its lifecycle without harming the planet. By embracing hemp, you actively participate in preserving the environment for future generations.

As we bid adieu to conventional textile practices, hemp fabric emerges as a beacon of hope in the fashion industry. Its sustainability, durability, breathability, hypoallergenic properties, versatility, and positive environmental impact make it an unrivaled choice for conscious consumers and designers alike. Let us embrace the green revolution in fashion, where style and sustainability join hands to shape a better tomorrow. Choose hemp fabric and weave a brighter future for fashion and our planet!

The Most Eco-Friendly Material? How Hemp's Remarkable Versatility Contributes to a Healthier World

Hemp, often referred to as an eco-friendly marvel, is a versatile plant with numerous benefits. From its cultivation to its utilization as a material, hemp showcases exceptional eco-friendly characteristics. In this article, we delve into the reasons why hemp is hailed as an eco-friendly crop and explore its remarkable versatility as a material.

Sustainable Cultivation

Hemp cultivation stands out for its sustainable practices. Unlike many crops, hemp requires minimal amounts of water, pesticides, and herbicides to thrive. This reduces strain on water resources and minimizes the release of harmful chemicals into the environment. Additionally, hemp has a rapid growth cycle, enabling multiple harvests in a single year.

Carbon Sequestration

One of the key eco-friendly attributes of hemp is its ability to sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. During photosynthesis, hemp plants absorb CO2 and convert it into biomass, effectively acting as a carbon sink. This natural process helps mitigate the greenhouse effect and reduces the overall carbon footprint.

Soil Health and Phytoremediation

Hemp cultivation offers unique benefits for soil health. Its deep-reaching roots help prevent soil erosion and improve soil structure. Moreover, hemp is known for its phytoremediation properties, meaning it can extract contaminants and pollutants from the soil, effectively detoxifying the land.

Versatile Fibers

Hemp fibers are renowned for their versatility and strength. These fibers can be processed into a wide range of products, including textiles, ropes, and paper. Compared to traditional materials like cotton, hemp requires fewer resources to grow and has a smaller environmental impact.

Sustainable Building Material

Hemp's versatility extends to the construction industry. Hempcrete, a mixture of hemp fibers and lime, is gaining popularity as a sustainable building material. Hempcrete offers excellent insulation properties, reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling. It also has high fire resistance and regulates humidity, promoting healthier indoor environments.

Bio-Based Plastics and Composites

Hemp fibers can be used to create bio-based plastics and composites, reducing the dependence on fossil fuel-derived materials. Hemp-based plastics are biodegradable and do not contribute to plastic pollution. Furthermore, hemp composites offer lightweight and durable alternatives for various applications, such as automotive parts and furniture.

Nutritional and Cosmetic Benefits

Beyond its industrial applications, hemp offers eco-friendly benefits in the realm of nutrition and cosmetics. Hemp seeds are rich in essential fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and minerals. They can be used in food products, providing a sustainable source of nutrition. Hemp oil, derived from the seeds, is utilized in skincare and haircare products due to its moisturizing and nourishing properties.


Hemp's eco-friendly nature and remarkable versatility make it a standout crop and material. Its sustainable cultivation practices, carbon sequestration capabilities, and soil health benefits contribute to a greener and healthier environment. From textiles and construction materials to bio-based plastics and nutritious food, hemp's versatility paves the way for a more sustainable future.

Eight Ways to Use Hemp as a Product

Eight Ways to Use Hemp as a Product

Eight Everyday Uses of Hemp Products

We’ve all heard of hemp as a somewhat controversial subject, but did you know that there are tons of hemp products on the market with everyday uses? You can find hemp in food and drink, beauty products, construction materials, paper products, and even in products made for animals! Even better, hemp is also great at offering up more sustainable alternatives to traditional options that are harmful to our planet.



Laumetris Selects Forever Green as First Hemp Harvesting Equipment Dealer

Vanderhoof, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 16, 2021) - The Family run operation at Forever Green announced today it has been selected by Laumetris as the European company's first North American hemp product dealer, bringing specialized harvesting equipment to Canadian and U.S. farmers. The international collaboration will help further hemp production throughout North America as Laumetris adds affordable equipment options for independent farmers and increased access to parts and maintenance support.

About Get Forever Green

Forever Green was "sprouted" from a second-generation family farm that was looking to do something innovative.  The farm is located in the center of British Columbia in the Bulkey Valley in Vanderhoof.  The town of Vanderhoof is primarily a forestry, mining and agricultural fueled community. 

The family farm of 40 years had seen surrounding farms and other multi-generation farms come to a end due to lack of financial viability and no interest from the next generation.  It seemed that other opportunities needed to be pursued in order to create a positive change from crops like hay which tend to have a highly variable market price.  The hemp vision of the family farm now needed to become a reality.  The farm was able to start testing the crop conditions in the north to see if industrial hemp was a viable crop for the area.  Read more…